Who are we ?πŸ–‹

Elrond Castle has been created by 3 french friends. Knowing the huge potential of what NFTs and the community represent, we really want to be actors of tomorrow’s world by helping caritative associations.To do it, we have developed a playful project around NFTs but without removing the artistic aspect of this new technology.

The three creators :

  • Tom Da Rold, engineering student in Digital Sciences, responsible for the technical development of the project.

  • Yann Lemercier, engineering student in Chemistry, responsible for the communication and marketing of the project.

  • Adrien Corsetti, engineering student in Digital Sciences, responsible for the economic strategy of the project.

To do it, we have used the help of trustworthy persons that work with us and who have a key role in the project.

  • Clara Chapuis, engineering student in Chemistry, Elrond Castle’s designer that deals with all the visual products of the project.

  • Victor Durand, engineering student in Cyber Security, developer of the different programs and websites.

Last updated